Friday, July 30, 2010

Holy fudgenuggets!

Okay, so I've been on vacation for a couple days now, so I haven't been online much. I figured I mosey on over to the forums to see whats up over there and shit. I try to post something and...


I've been banned because of my story Innocent! I never saw this coming. At least it's only a seven day ban and not a permaban.
I'm very upset, for I wanna go talk to my simmer friends! If one of the sweeties who follows my blog will please tell somebody at the EA forum I was banned, it would mean so much to me. I'll be back in seven days, I guess. So...


Edit: Please also tell them that these stories have been deleted:
-Love Sex Magic
-What Happens This Summer

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Come on! How stupid do you think I am?

Okay, not a single part of this "tutorial" is true. Not even the web address is correct. What an idiot. That's all I wanna say. So...


Friday, July 23, 2010

Just throwin' the idea out there...

Remember my story Innocent? Well...

I never really finished it. The final chapter came up around a reeaaallllyyyyy bad time in my personal life, so I just kinda threw the whole thing off. After things kinda sorted out, I decided to post Derrel, Morgana, and Tyler (toddler/young adult) on the exchange.
Not long after that, I decided to have a little fun with my favorite simmysim Mr. Tyler Derrel Lewis, and now I have an idea; an Innocent spin-off series.
It would be mainly follow Tyler's young adult life after a confusing and troubled childhood and the problems he faces as Morgana (his mother) and Ridge (the only father he ever knew) begin to grow apart. Another problem will arise when he begins to see hallucinations of his chemically imbalanced father Derrel, even though he has been dead for 24 years.
Does it sound like a good idea???
Oh, and here's a bribe to get you to say yes...

Tyler is most smexy ;)

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Blog Addition

Heyyy! I just added a new blog for my exchange sims:


There's some important information posted there at the moment that everybody will need to read before downloading anything from the website.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Roar! I feel like tearing my hair out!

Ah, the EA forums. They're usually a place I love to go to. I can talk to people and share my opinions without causing controversy- until today, that is.

It all started with an innocent question:

For a second there, I was all like "What the fuck!" because there's nothing wrong with homosexuality. So I stated:

And then this douche bag enters the thread:
And he makes me go all:
Because I am offended. I'm not gay, but a few people close to me are, so I have a really strong opinion regarding homosexuality.
But then Mr. Asshole gets the nerve to add:
I'm all confused by this point. I did absolutely nothing wrong! I felt that it was necessary to get that point across:
He was still being an asshole:
I was starting to think that I had done wrong to this guy in real life, so I asked:
And then he went crazy:
And crazier:
He called me immature.
I figured that I should tell him about his temper:
And he still acts all douche bag-ish
And some more:
By now I'm all sad:

He doesn't seem to care:
In fact, it makes him think different of me:
I don't like being discriminated against:
But then I had a wonderful realisation; he's gone:

My GOD I feel like tearing my hair out! I feel like sending this post to EA to get rid of him once and for all.

Sorry about my language. I'm just plain mad.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Blog Design?

I think that it's time for me to redo my blog.
Here are some design ideas I have:

-I'll going to make my EA forum signature say "Don't click the banana" with a picture of a banana. I will then name my blog "Omg You Clicked the Banana!"

-I could go with something utterly neon, bright, and blinding. That would definately get people's attention.

Any ideas?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kate & Aiden

As many of you may know, I recently put a pregnant teen couple on the exchange for download. Many people have downloaded this pair.
I wanted to share with you guys the story of Kate and Aiden, but first, I need to share Kate's back story with you:
When Kate was a child in Sunset Valley, her parents never really took care of her, so she was forced to go live with her aunt in Riverview. He aunt was never around very much, as she would work all day and go out all night, leaving Kate alone to entertain herself. Because she was "the new girl" in school, she had trouble making friends until she met the mischievous Aiden Martins. Aiden was very much an outcast, but did enjoy being with people, however, he never enjoyed having children around. When the pair moved up to high school, they were still inseperatable, but where never more than friends until prom night, that is. Neither Kate nor Aiden could find a date, so they went together as friends like they had done many times before. They had been a couple since then. Here we join Kate and Aiden after a date. Kate is telling Aiden that she's ready...

Kate & Aiden: true-blue teen parents.