Wednesday, December 29, 2010

News that (possibly) sucks

I've been trying so hard lately to release some kind of sim story, but I simply can't. I'll write somethig, enjoy it, but never finish. Or I'll get completely finished and hate the product, so I trash it.
I love my legacy, like, a LOT, and I've been taking pics like crazy trying to miraculously get some kind of interesting storline going for my next few generations, but what I come up with just seems stupid.
So here's the dealio- imma spend the rest of the week:
1.) legacy writing (hopefully 2 chapters)
2.) putting finishing touches on Pressure so I can finally release that
3.) remembering to charge my laptop so i dont end up trying to make a blog post on mah teeny iPod touch haha

If I fail to do those 3 by new years, don't expect any more stories unless I'm truly inspired.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Random pics

Taking pics of my sexysexy sims has always been a favorite pastime of mine, but I never really shared the photos. Because I am the biggest idiot I know, I didn't think to put them on my blog until now (I know- sad right?). So here be some recent pictures of my gameplay:

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Brigitte in her fancy attire.

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William looking incredibly attractive.

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Awesome-sim-I-created-whose-name-I'm-forgetting gettin' her flirt on.

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Destiny after being turned into (a very beautiful) vampire.

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My sexysexy simself spacing out whilst drinking a teen-game-friendly, er, juice-drink-thingy.