Monday, June 20, 2011

Some RL drama for you

There are 4 kids
Jane- the culprit
Mary- the crazed chick in love
Donna- the innocent bystander
John- the heartbreaker

Mary has been in deep like with John for many years now, and John sporadically returned those feelings, but in short spurts. Jane, Mary, and Donna are best friends, and have been longer than Mary and John have been, you know, Mary and John.

So it was John's birthday, and Donna invites John, Mary, and Jane over for a party. Mary arrives first, and she and Donna begin to prep a birthday cake for John. John arrives second, and hangs out with the two girls until Jane arrives fashionably late.

Jane and John have known each other longest and were never incredibly close, but had recently blossomed a close and innocent (enough) friendship. They hung out for most of the party, but would occasionally look up from the episodes of Smosh they were watching on John's ipod to notice that Mary and Donna were gone. They had figured they were going to check on the cake.

This happened maybe 3 times throughout the "party" and for durations of over 15 minutes at a time, and every time Mary would come back downstairs, Jane and John noticed her getting angrier and angrier. The last time Mary came downstairs. She noticed Jane and John... closer... than usual, which began to fill her with rage.

When Donna announced the cake was ready, everyone piled upstairs to eat it. This was the time that Jane and John were discussing what he wanted for his birthday (this was only a small party, a larger party was to be held later in the week). This caused Mary to explode emotions.

As John stormed out with rage, Mary began accusing Jane of "liking John" and "ruining her chances". That Jane was "Flirting" and "It needed to stop". If it weren't for Donna's athletic practice, Jane and Mary probably would've killed each other.

My only question is, whose fault is it?
Jane and her flirtatious tendancies but innocent intentions?
Mary and her confused teenage girl crush?
Donna and her bystanding attempts to calm the two?
John and his unknown desires?

Tell me below o_O

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm Back >:D

With the summer months here, I've made my return to the simming community :) I've decided to cancel all old stories and legacies and have decided to begin a new one! Here my founder, if you're interested...

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I'm very proud of him haha. He's sexy and actually looks like a man. Plus he's made some purdy babies ;)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

News that (possibly) sucks

I've been trying so hard lately to release some kind of sim story, but I simply can't. I'll write somethig, enjoy it, but never finish. Or I'll get completely finished and hate the product, so I trash it.
I love my legacy, like, a LOT, and I've been taking pics like crazy trying to miraculously get some kind of interesting storline going for my next few generations, but what I come up with just seems stupid.
So here's the dealio- imma spend the rest of the week:
1.) legacy writing (hopefully 2 chapters)
2.) putting finishing touches on Pressure so I can finally release that
3.) remembering to charge my laptop so i dont end up trying to make a blog post on mah teeny iPod touch haha

If I fail to do those 3 by new years, don't expect any more stories unless I'm truly inspired.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Random pics

Taking pics of my sexysexy sims has always been a favorite pastime of mine, but I never really shared the photos. Because I am the biggest idiot I know, I didn't think to put them on my blog until now (I know- sad right?). So here be some recent pictures of my gameplay:

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Brigitte in her fancy attire.

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William looking incredibly attractive.

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Awesome-sim-I-created-whose-name-I'm-forgetting gettin' her flirt on.

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Destiny after being turned into (a very beautiful) vampire.

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My sexysexy simself spacing out whilst drinking a teen-game-friendly, er, juice-drink-thingy.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Working on a short story. You like?

Nightfall; bringing a certain mysterious presence that is as much of a blessing as it is a curse. The darkness of the sky is always in such perfect contrast with the brightness of the full autumn moon; always allowing me to remember how my life came to be this way. I embraced the darkness, for it was the only home I knew.
The streetlight above me flickered as I looked down the seemingly vacant midnight street. A rush of adrenaline consumed my frozen body as his deep violet eyes met mine. His beautiful olive skin glowed in the moonlight, and it became brighter with every step I took to meet him. Elijah was my love; my destiny; my only light.
“Eli,” I whispered as his cold hand met my face, causing sparks to jolt through each of my senses. Leaning forward with full force, my full lips met his mouth- then heaven I never knew. As Eli tightened his embrace on my slender waist, my heart quickened the way it had when I was alive.
Alive I thought, returning the embrace. How I craved to be alive. Oh how I hungered to feel the rush of blood through my hollow veins. The curse of the night had charmed me so quickly and taken me away from a beauty I knew only decades ago.
A tear, so clear and spherical, fell from my clear white eyes as the thought of the joy it was to feel warm human touch upon my skin. As much as I loved my Eli, this was the one pleasure he could not provide for me in our current state of being.
Stopping abruptly, Eli reached his hand out to my face with understandable caution. Lightly wiping a tear from my left cheek, he gazed into my eyes as his face formed to the same pained expression I was showing at that moment. Elijah felt my pain when nobody else understood it.

It's not finished, very rough, and barely makes any sense, but I think it may be good enough to continue :)
Tell me what you think (be harsh- PLEASE)